Pascal Rambert

A little over two months after staging the magnificent Actrice at Sala Garrett, Pascal Rambert returns to Lisbon with a new work about actors and theater. Like the “Russian play” about an actress who bids farewell to life, TEATRO (THEATER) was also created at the Moscow Art Theater, where the French author and stage director worked with dozens of actors and realized that characters continue to inhabit the bodies and souls of their respective performers, whether these are older or even quite young. TEATRO (THEATER) brings to the stage Rui Mendes, Lúcia Maria, Beatriz Batarda, João Grosso, Cirila Bossuet, and a children’s cast. FB
TNDM II Text and staging: Pascal Rambert; Performed by: Beatriz Batarda, Cirila Bossuet, João Grosso, Lúcia Maria, Rui Mendes, Asia Galante, Maria Abreu and Sara Barbosa.
5 € a 17 €
5 € a 8 € - quartas e quintas-feiras