Renée Gagnon

Mu seke 75

19 june to 20 july 2024
Sociedade Nacional de Belas-Artes
Renée Gagnon

MU SEKE 75 brings together the photographic record made by Renée Gagnon (Montreal, Canada, 1942) between 1975 and 76, of the musseques of Luanda. These photographic records constitute important sociological, historical and also artistic documents, which have remained unpublished until today.

Renée Gagnon had been enthusiastic about the “debris art” she found in the musseques and, worried that these temporary creations might disappear, she dedicated herself to recording the streets and alleys, paths and alleys, as well as windows, doors and palisades, of the musseques of Luanda.

The detailed decorations of these fragile constructions fascinated the artist, and, in the middle of the civil war, with a scholarship from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, she developed documentary and plastic research work for 18 months on the theme Palisades of the Musseques of Luanda, which resulted in this set of b/w photographs.

Weekdays, 12 pm – 7 pm; Saturdays, 2 pm – 7 pm


Curator: Paula Nascimento
