Alexandre Estrela

A natureza aborrece o monstro

12 october 2024 to 2 february 2025
Alexandre Estrela

Alexandre Estrela is interested in the porosity and ambiguity of experience. His works use visual, sound, and spatial elements to construct synesthetic proposals that both reveal and destabilise our perception, questioning its mechanics, its limits and its reliability.

This exhibition allows us to gauge the recent developments of his research, this time through a selection of works created in the last decade and in which there are allusions to natural phenomena, animal behavior, or the notion of fear. Composed of clusters of pieces, the exhibition appears as a rhizomatic body distended in space: a living bundle of stimuli, consequent, and articulated.

Tuesday to Sunday, 11 am to 6 pm


Curated by: Bruno Marchand



auditório, museu