Anticipation of the Italian Film Festival

The Italian Film Festival includes the usual AperiFestas, a series of events that precede the festival. The anticipation of the 18th edition of the festival, which takes place in Lisbon between April 9 and 17, invites the public to participate in events featuring poetry, music, Italian cuisine and cinema.
March 22: 2 pm -10 pm
Jardim do Bombarda
Workshops, Italian products market, cultural and musical programme
Full programme here.
March 24: 6:30 pm – 8 pm
Atmosfera M
Quanto Basta
By Francesco Falaschi
Italy, 2018, 122 min.
Comedy drama that addresses themes such as inclusion, starting over and the power of friendship.
Free entry with prior booking to: atmosferam.lisboa@montepio.pt
27 March: 7 pm – 9 pm
Liquid Love
In collaboration with Livraria Piena, Liquid Love welcomes Marina Campanatti, Marzia D’Amico, Federica Fiasca, Duda Las Casas, for a celebration of words and poetry. The public is invited not only to watch, but also to participate, reading their own poems or paying homage to other authors.
Free entry with mandatory prior registration, available from March 20. Maximum capacity: 35 participants
April 3: 8 pm – 2 am
Casa do Comum
Lasciatemi Cantare! – Italian Karaoke
A special night of Italian karaoke hosted by Laura Venturini (8 pm – 11 pm), followed by a DJ set by Mr Fou by Sound Migration (11 pm – 2 am).
Free entry