
World Music Day

1 october 2024
tue: 9 pm
São Luiz Teatro Municipal

On the fringe, south of the River Tagus, where there lies so much deserted territory, the Alentejo Cante echoes like an ancestral word. Surviving through the voices that insist on singing it, in 2024 this genre celebrates one decade as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, crossing paths with the history of a country that moves slowly, but also transforms itself. In Cantexto, an original project by Futurama – Cultural and Artistic Ecosystem from Lower Alentejo, every year contemporary Portuguese writers are invited to compose new songs for the choral groups, thus updating their traditional repertoires. With each verse, they weave the threads of new people, generations and memories, creating a bridge between the Portugal of yesterday, today and tomorrow.


Cantadores do Desassossego (Beja)
Mais de Mil Coisas Eu Fiz
Lyrics/Music: Valério Romão/ Cantadores do Desassossego

Cantadores de Beringel (Beringel, Beja)
Em Mil Seiscentos e Vinte
Lyrics/Music: Richard Zimler/Ana Santos and Celina da Piedade

Grupo Coral Feminino “As Ceifeiras de Pias” (Pias, Serpa)
Planura Nua Vestida de Voz
Lyrics/Music: Regina Guimarães/Ana Santos and Celina da Piedade

Grupo Coral e Etnográfico da Academia Sénior de Serpa (Serpa)
O Estrangeiro
Lyrics/Music: Gonçalo M. Tavares/Armando Torrão

Grupo Coral da Mina de São Domingos (Mina de São Domingos, Mértola)
Moda das Flores nas Lapelas
Lyrics/Music: Afonso Cruz/Ana Santos and Celina da Piedade

Grupo Coral da Vidigueira (Vidigueira)
A Palavra foi Passando
Lyrics/Music: Marta Pais de Oliveira/Ana Santos and Celina da Piedade

Grupo Coral “Os Ganhões de Castro Verde” (Castro Verde)
Quando parte um de nós
Lyrics/Music: Tiago Rodrigues/Paulo Ribeiro

Grupo Coral Feminino e Etnográfico “As Ceifeiras de Entradas” (Entradas, Castro Verde)
Mulher de Vento
Lyrics/Music: Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida/Paulo Ribeiro


Artistic Design: John Romão

12 € to 15 €
