Hécuba, not Hécuba
Tiago Rodrigues – Comédie-Française
For his first collaboration with Comédie-Française, Tiago Rodrigues, director of the Avignon Festival, intertwines the story of Hecuba, the widow of Priam who, in the defeat of Troy, lost her husband, throne, and children, with that of an actress, portraying in our time the Hecuba of Euripides.
As the rehearsals for the play are running through, they overlap with a judicial investigation, the actress herself seeking justice for her autistic son, victim of abuse. In a unique and twilight-like setting, fiction painfully merges with intimate reality, the tragedy of myth encounters that of reality, between the play of theatre and that of justice.
Show spoken in French with subtitles in Portuguese.
Text and direction, Tiago Rodrigues
With the troupe of Comédie-Française, Génovèse, Denis Podalydès, Elsa Lepoivre Nadia, Loïc Corbery, Gaël Kamilindi, Élissa Alloula and Séphora Pondi.
Production, Comédie-Française
Coproduction, Festival d’Avignon
18 € to 30 €