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Os Artistas Surrealistas na Coleção Manuel de Brito

14 september 2024 to 4 january 2025
CAMB - Centro de Arte Manuel de Brito
Os Artistas Surrealistas na Coleção Manuel de Brito

Celebrating the centenary of the publication, in 1924, of the Surrealist Manifesto, by André Breton, and Aragon’s text on the dawn of Surrealism, as well as the 75th anniversary of two exhibitions, one by Surrealistas de Lisboa group and the other by the dissident group os Surrealistas, which shook the artistic life and intellectual environment of Lisbon, this exhibition aims to remember some of the greatest representatives of the Surrealist movement in Portugal.

Presenting works produced between 1940 and 1984, which show how the surrealist spirit and the values ​​defended then, such as freedom, love, knowledge and poetry, persisted beyond the extinction of the movements, the exhibition brings together pieces by artists such as António Dacosta, Mário Cesariny, Eurico Gonçalves and Vespeira, among many others, as well as drawings, sculptures, Cadavre Exquis and other works, all from the Manuel de Brito collection.
