Summer Garden


film, music
22 june to 7 july 2024
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Summer Garden

This edition of the Summer Garden celebrates once again the sounds and rhythms of different cultures, introducing, in addition to music, stories and testimonies expressed through images and words. By expanding into other artistic areas, the Summer Garden now occupies new spaces within the Gulbenkian building. Music will continue to be present in Sítio da Oliveira and the Open-Air Amphitheatre, but it also takes to the stage of the Grand Auditorium. Additionally the programme will include a series of talks in Auditorium 2 and a film cycle in the Open-Air Amphitheatre.

In a year that marks such important dates as the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April and the 100th anniversary of Amílcar Cabral’s birth, the Summer Garden is committed to the art of telling difficult stories and experimenting with poetic dialogues that convey solidarity and future. All the information here.


Kimi Djabaté
Jun 22: 5 pm
Jun 22, 29,  jul 7: 6 pm
Jun 22: 7 pm
Jéssica Pina
Jun 23: 5 pm
Indi Mateta
Jun 23, 30, jul 6: 6 pm
Japa System
Jun 23: 7 pm
Assa Matusse
Jun 29: 5 pm
Luiz Caracol
Jun 29: 7 pm
João Caetano
Jun 30: 5 pm
Jun 30: 7 pm
Pilon di Xou
Jul 6: 5 pm
Jul 6: 7 pm
Cremilda Medina
Jul 7: 5 pm
Leo Middea
Jul 7: 7 pm

Curtas da Casa (House Shorts)
Jun 22: 9 pm
Fimes cabralistas (Cabralist films)
Jun 29: 9 pm
A Europa pela lente das mulheres negras (Europe through the lens of black women)
Jul 6: 9 pm

Falas amargas como os frutos: a arte de narrar histórias complexas (Talks as bitter as fruit: the art of telling complex stories)
Jun 22: 6 pm
Ler o mundo: a literatura infantil como passaporte para além das fronteiras da imaginação (Reading the world: children’s literature as a passport beyond the frontiers of imagination)
Jun 23: 6 pm
Todo o Atlântico é pouco: diálogos poéticos (All the Atlantic is not enough: poetic dialogues)
Jun 29: 6 pm
Entre a lua, o caos e o silêncio: a flor (Between the moon, chaos and silence: the flower)
Jun 30: 6 pm
O bairro: as histórias que brotam dos espaços esquecidos (The neighbourhood: the stories that emerge from forgotten spaces)
Jul 6: 6 pm
A outra face do homem: uma leitura das cartas de Amílcar Cabral (The other side of the man: a reading of Amílcar Cabral’s letters)
Jul 7: 6 pm


Curated by Dino D’Santiago (music), Maíra Zenun (cinema) and Kalaf Epalanga (talks).


Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

fundação, museu, biblioteca, auditório
Avenida de Berna, 45A 217 823 000