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The Trojan Women

Eurípedes / António Pires

31 july to 17 august 2019
mon: 21h30; tue: 21h30; wed: 21h30; thu: 21h30; fri: 21h30; sat: 21h30
Ruínas e Museu Arqueológico do Carmo
The Trojan Women

The Trojan Women, a fifth century BC tragedy authored by Euripedes, is the great lament about the tragedy of war and its eternal consequences: destruction, death, loss, servitude, exile, wandering.

Troy was invaded by the Greek armies, conquered, burned. In front of its burning walls, the enslaved Trojans and Hecuba, their Queen, expect to be taken by their new masters to Greece. They mourn their dead and their unjust fate. Helen, also captive, will be taken back to Sparta again and will continue to reign. Hecuba lost everything: her children, her husband, her country. And it is about the fundamental injustice of war that humans commit for trivial reasons that Euripides constructs his tragedy. Teatro do Bairro

Subtitled in English


Ar de Filmes/ Teatro do Bairro. Euripides, author; António Pires, staging; Maria Rueff, Alexandra Sargento, Sandra Santos, Vera Moura, João Barbosa, Hugo Mestre Amaro, Francisco Vistas and finalist students of ACT-School of Actors: Álvaro Aragonez, André Vazão, Beatriz Garrucho, Carlota R. Marques, Carolina Azevedo, Carolina Lopes, Eva Fornelos, Gonçalo Pinto, Inês Gomes, Inês Mata, Inês Meira, Pedro Nunes, Rafael Costa Diaz and Rui Teixeira, interpretation.

16 € - preço normal
12 € e 8 € - com descontos aplicáveis
