Este evento já ocorreu.


Luís de Matos

18 dezembro 2020 a 3 janeiro 2021
Teatro Tivoli BBVA

Luís de Matos returns to Teatro Tivoli BBVA stage with a new original show for the whole family, #CONECTADOS.

But this is neither a conventional show nor a virtual one. It’s not a streaming broadcast or a zoom meeting with hundreds of people… it’s all this at the same time!

In the world entertainment scene, #CONECTADOS is the first hybrid show where viewers who participate remotely interact with the audience physically present in the theater, and vice versa.

Read the interview.

Dec 18: 8pm
Dec 19, 20, 26, 27, Jan 1, 2, 3: 11am
25 Dec: 6pm

12,50 € a 24 €
